Sunday, July 1, 2012

Saving a lot of water with north Texas' native plants

Using plants native to north Texas can reduce outdoor water usage by 20 to 50 percent. And there are hundreds and hundreds of native plants; many now available via most mainstream sources.

Most native plants exist on no water (or very little) other than what falls from the sky naturally. They've adapted to the local weather over the centuries. Conversely, by far the biggest water-waster is a large non-native lawn. In Texas, it demands a phenomenal amount of water.

A rain barrel is an easy way to capture the water that falls from the sky; and the water's yours free! You can buy one, or buy the few materials it takes, at any good hardware store. Plans are on the internet.

The average household currently uses about 30% of all its water outdoors. In arid climates like north Texas it may be as high as 70%. By using native Texas plants that are used to our climate, that percentage could be reduced greatly.

LIKE PLAYING THE PIANO.     Most songbirds in north Texas (such as Chickadees, Wrens, Cardinals, Finches, Titmice and Warblers) belong to the rare group of animals that actually learn the vocalizations (songs) they make, instead of acquiring them genetically. While birds have physical traits which make bird sounds easier to produce, it develops them only from hearing them over and over from other birds.

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