Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Play host to interesting birds during the upcoming migration with a waystation

Bahama Woodstar and Inaguan Woodstar, side by side comparison


 Every year many, many unusual birds from all over this continent stop for awhile in north Texas during the fall migration period. These are birds that are flying south from up north. They want and need breaks from a long flight.

 Almost all birds fly in stages, stopping several times along the way to rest and refuel. What they want most is fresh food to get their energy back up. You might see something like a Rose-breasted Grosbeak that departed from, for instance, Indiana. Some species (like Goldfinch and Junco) come to this area for the mild winter (this is the south after all)

Setting up a waystation for migrating birds is amazingly simple and very productive.  Several people have had Baltimore orioles visit their waystations. They’ve seen warblers that aren’t normally here too.

You probably have some elements of a waystation already. It can have any number of appearances, but a proper waystation is simply a grouping of at least three feeders (each offering a different kind of seed), safe cover and water (yes, even in cool weather). All within an area about 10 ft. by 10 ft. Migrating birds look for all these things.

The period of fall migration extends from early September to mid-December. Many migration routes pass through north Texas. A group of birds may take a slightly different route each year.  One thing is certain however. Each bird appreciates “waystations” enroute.

 The size of the yard a waystation’s in doesn’t matter much. He or she can use even tiny waystations to fuel up, get much-needed water, and rest up (perhaps for a few days) before continuing.

For most birds, the actual migration flights occur in the cool of the night, since birds navigate by the stars, so we may not see them in flight. Also at night, there are few predators and the winds are more predictable. Their migration is governed entirely by the changing length of daylight, the sun's angles along their flight paths and the position of the stars.

So, put out a well-stocked waystation during migration periods. Then sit back and look for some “non-Texas” birds as they migrate through here.

OWEN YOST, in addition to being a blogger, is a licensed Landscape Architect emeritus who has lived and worked in north Texas for over 30 years. He is the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award of the Native Plant Society of Texas, and is a member of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), International Federation of Landscape Architects, National Wildlife Federation and the Audubon Society. His office is at in Denton.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

At 110°, you and the birds will have bigger concerns

Yellow-throated Warbler
Some folks still think suet is for wintertime only. They think that in the summer it might melt.  That’s true of basic suet (animal fat) from a butcher shop.  But suet packaged for birds is formulated to have a melting point of at least 110-degrees. So it’s perfect for Cardinals, Jays, Woodpeckers, Titmice, Chickadees and lots of other north Texas birds, now and all summer long. (They’re hungry all year, just like you and me!)


Turn off those deadly lights!    Millions of birds die each year from crashing into windows of office buildings and homes.  Suggestion: join with co-workers and persuade those responsible to turn off inside and outside lights at night - especially during the migration seasons. Also, at home put some sort of sticker on the glass and avoid putting feeders in the ”danger zone” of 3 ft. to 6 ft. from a window (within 3 ft. is OK).


OWEN YOST, in addition to being a blogger, is a licensed Landscape Architect emeritus who has lived and worked in north Texas for over 30 years. He is the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award of the Native Plant Society of Texas, and is a member of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), International Federation of Landscape Architects, National Wildlife Federation and the Audubon Society. His office is at in Denton.