Thursday, October 6, 2011

Save by making your own suet & Home-buying criteria

Assuming you have the time and the patience, here's a suet recipe that might save you some money, or be a good scout project, or whatever;
             1 cup of shortening
             1 cup of crunchy peanut butter
             1 cup of flour
             2 cups of old-fashioned corn meal
             half-cup of sugar
             2 cups of fresh birdseed (the birdseed can be almost any type. I recommend straight, 100% black-oil sunflower.   A "hull-less" seed will not work.)

Melt the shortening and the peanut butter over medium-high heat in a skillet (preferably iron). Then add the dry ingredients and mix well. As the mixture cools, press it into shape (or cut it) to fit your suet feeder. Most feeders take suet that's slightly larger than a slice of bread.

Let the formed suet cool in your refrigerator for at least an hour before putting it into your feeder.

Woodpeckers on a suet stick

Things change!!!  It used to be swimming pools and big garages. But a 2010 survey by the National Association of Realtors showed a big, new trend.  88% of buyers said that environmentally-friendly features were important considerations when purchasing a home. Such things as low-maintenance landscaping, programmable thermostats and sustainable construction methods are now important to buyers.
save trees by maintaining natural grade
reduce edging by grouping taller plants

1 comment:

  1. Looks more like a Northern Flicker than a Red-bellied Woodpecker in the second picture.
