Sunday, April 5, 2015

Robins don’t like our lawns

American Robin
A bird that lives here in north Texas 12-months of the year is the American Robin.  Like almost all birds, they’re very territorial. They want territories where they can get shelter, find food (to feed themselves and their offspring), find water, with places to hide from predators without a lot of hassle. But a large lawn (a perfect "hunting ground" for hungry hawks etc.) will frequently go unclaimed. Nor does a lawn have many bugs - food for many birds; nor does it have shelter. 



“Don’t throw that away!”       One thing Hummingbirds look for when selecting a nesting site are lichens, which they use to cover their nests.  Lichens, a kind of fungus, grow naturally on decomposing branches. It’s not hard to find some of this wood on the ground, after a storm.  Just pick them up and lay them around your yard.


OWEN YOST, in addition to being a blogger, is a licensed Landscape Architect emeritus who has lived and worked in north Texas for over 30 years. He is the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award of the Native Plant Society of Texas, and is a member of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), International Federation of Landscape Architects, National Wildlife Federation and the Audubon Society. His office is at in Denton


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